Experience of use Welltone

before taking drops for hypertension Welltone

Lina from Dresden talks about her experience

It seemed that I was doomed from birth to be hypertensive: I have several relatives who suffered from this unpleasant disease and were treated without much success. There were no Welltone drops then. Hereditary childhood factors were complemented by overweight and constant stress: my parents divorced and at school I was constantly teased about obesity and myopia. Doctors soon discovered that I had a violation of lipid metabolism and high sugar content. The need to wear glasses, by the way, turned out to be due to circulatory disorders.

There was no desire to follow a healthy lifestyle, because. in our family somehow it was not accepted: they ate a lot and yummy. Therefore, unpleasant emotions were consumed by fast food, watered with high-calorie drinks, there were few walks. As a teenager, smoking was added to the disgusting diet, in my opinion today. Result: stage 2 hypertension at a young age.

And I must say that I was not alone. There were a lot of dysfunctional "fats" in our neighborhood. Drops Welltone could help us. The doctor who observed me as a teenager said that high blood pressure is a disease of civilization, a disease of the 20th century.

illness experience

In view of the general morbid state, I paid no special attention to pains in the temples, in the crown region, "flies" in the eyes and dizziness. I didn't remember my classes well at school, I experienced uncertainty and constant tiredness at work. My husband considered me irritable and depressed, which did not contribute to our marital happiness. Often a doctor was called for chest pains, for the treatment of which pills, drops, diet and injections were prescribed. My condition improved a little after I stopped smoking and reduced the amount of salty foods, but the pressure remained unstable. The jumps were observed several times a day.

A review of the use of the drugs I used showed that they have no long-term therapeutic effect after treatment ends. I used them constantly for many years, which only worsened my condition. I accidentally found out about Welltone drops from the Internet, I was attracted by their natural composition, which does not affect the state of the liver and the advertised prolonged effect of exposure. I ordered several bottles with mail delivery and payment upon receipt. Received a significant discount. Bottles with dispenser and instructions in high quality glossy branded packaging. I didn't find any medicine in pharmacies: they don't sell it there.

How to use Welltone drops?

pressure after taking Welltone drops

Welltone drops should be used strictly according to the drug's instructions, because high blood pressure is a serious disease. The drops are natural, which does not exclude individual intolerance to the individual components, which is important when using the drug directly inside, without the possibility of taking an allergy test. I didn't have any allergic reaction. I drank 20 drops of Welltone per 100 milliliters of pure water twice a day.

After a unique treatment with drops, I perked up. The daily jumps in blood pressure began to disappear, there was a stabilization of the cardiovascular system. I reduced the number of edemas, the number of convulsions, I lost a little weight in just a few weeks, which became an incentive for me to move more. I intend to: undertake another course of treatment with Welltone drops, review the diet, start leading a healthy and active lifestyle.